Friday, 31 August 2007
Battle of the Bulge
Ain't nothing going on but the rent..
Dreams of this and that..
Dial a flight with DialaFlight
A holiday in New York is truly something special and using DialaFlight can help make for a very special travel experience. Flights to JFK, Newark and LaGuardia airports are easily arranged through DialaFlight.
Just think about it: You could be sauntering through the streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn or Staten Island before you know it.
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To book with DialaFlight you need to call and speak to one of their UK travel consultants who will ensure that your requirements are fulfilled. By speaking on the phone to DialaFlight you can be certain that your tailor-made holiday is exactly as you want it.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Into the Country
Scotland is rugged and remote, Wales impressive and green, but England...
England is a melancholy dream, a hazy half-remembrance of great things that lurk forever just out of sight in the recent past. A flavour savoured, a mirage, a dream cherished. I love it.
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
What justice?
Italian man
who knifed to dead a school teacher twelve years ago may not be deported as was the wish of the Home Office, because doing so would breach the killer's human rights.What, indeed, about the rights of the victim's family not to have to run the risk of running into this allegedly reformed knife-wielding maniac. Every day we read about the most horrific violent crimes and more and more people are becoming scared by what is perceived as a worrying rise in severe crimes. What are decent people to think when three judges want to keep a disgusting killer in our midst rather than co-operate with the Government who want to deport him? It doesn't look good when the human rights of the perpetrator are valued over the rights of the victim's family. They say that a good deed never goes unpunished. Perhaps nowadays an evil deed is rewarded?
Shopping cart
shopping cart software from Ashop Commerce. If you’re looking for ecommerce software Ashop Commerce would be an excellent choice. They currently have a free 10 Day Trial so it’s worth considering if you have an online store and are looking for shopping cart software.
We have all used an online shopping cart system, often without realising how this type of software makes the process of purchasing online very easy indeed. A good shopping cart software application can do wonders for your online business, whether you’re a major player or a small-scale online seller. Ashop Commerce willl deliver just the right type of shopping cart software for you.
Smorty, a great way to make money blogging
If you’re a blogger looking to get paid for blogging you should consider Smorty. Most bloggers would like to earn some extra money with their blog and Smorty will enable you to do just that. It is easy to submit your blog for approval and start using Smorty to write opinion blog posts about all types of services and topics. Let’s face it: blogging can be hard work and getting some extra income for your blog would be most welcome. Smorty is an attractive site that will pay bloggers to write opinions on services and products. It is a very easy way for bloggers to get paid to blog and for advertisers to reach bloggers. Smorty connects advertisers with bloggers. It is a good-looking site with some handy features for the blogger to use. Likewise, Smorty is a very useful site for advertisers to reach quality bloggers and to advertise on blogs. Have a look at Smorty to check it out for yourself!
To have a go or not to have a go..
Monday, 20 August 2007
Driving to Evesham
Of course, the weather was abysmal and the windscreen wipers were earning their keep. You have to remember that there is a reason why England is so very green and that is, in a word, rain. And plenty of it. Even the recent floods notwithstanding it tends to rain often here.
In the part of the country where I live the weather is usually quite mild, due to the gulf stream that warms up the South-Western corner of Britain. In the seven years that I have been living in this part of England I have never been cold during the winter season. And you see people out in shorts and short sleeves all year round, including in the months of December and January; something that seemed crazy to me in the beginning.
While at Heathrow the ecomentalists are still protesting against the weather, I cast a weary eye out of the window only to see it’s a grey and sullen day.
If only it would rain again, that would be something.
Sunday, 19 August 2007
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Friday, 17 August 2007
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Monday, 13 August 2007
Friday, 10 August 2007
Thursday, 9 August 2007
The Glorious Bristol Buses
Here in Bristol, the buses are run by one giant transport firm. This firm, active in many parts of the western world, has a near-monopoly on public transport in the region; thereby nullifying the notion that privatisation necessarily means more choice for the consumer. Every now and then a new outfit tries to run one or two measly bus routes but before long the heavies are sent round by the giant bus firm and this brazen putative rival is put out of business.
So, we pay a large sum for a bus service that, frankly, leaves something to be desired. All in all, I’m not one for moaning and griping and I don’t think the service is very bad. It’s just that it’s not very good and very expensive at that.
Some of the drivers are good sorts; friendly, courteous, smartly-dressed in uniform, shirt and tie, helpful and customer-aware; and, doubtless long-suffering as some of the abuse that a frustrated public heaps on them is downright nasty. These are the lucky ones.
Some other drivers just grunt as you say ‘Good morning’ to them. For these sullen souls the term ‘jobs worth’ could have been coined with special distinction. The travelling public consists mainly of commuters, or, if you’re unlucky, of families of chavs returning to the suburbs from a shopping spree in the city centre.
I often get away with not having to have someone next to me. It’s usually not that busy. I tend to open any window that’s not open when I board the bus as certain members of the ‘Great Unwashed’ are indeed hygienically challenged, to put it mildly.
It is often said that you get a lot of freaks and weirdos on the bus. This section of the populace is usually represented with one or two delegates. And it always amazes me to find that most ‘strange’ or unusual people are very sociable, in fact extremely so. They always feel the need to direct their chatty ravings to an unsuspecting fellow passenger who probably had a hard day at the office and just wants to get home.
Sometimes I’ll listen to some music (not too loudly) on my MP3 player. Or I’ll cast a weary eye on the pages of the free newspaper. Traffic notwithstanding I usually arrive at my destination before I know it, more or less ready to tackle another day at work.
Can’t wait for the day when we can start commuting to work by means of a jetpack engine strapped to our backs. But no doubt there will be problems and frustrations with that mode of transportation as well…