I have to tell you about this amazing thing I found called www.agoodcause.co.uk which I think you should check out. aGoodCause.com just happens to be a global partnership between zeven hundred of the worlds most important NGOs such as the major charities like Save the Children, Red Cross, Amnesty International, OXFAM and others. What makes us unique, too, is that users just have to download a small piece of software called AidMaker. Once you have done this, everything works automatically, and your computer is turned into a charitable tool. From then on, having downloaded AidMaker, you can support your favourite charity for free even while you are shopping. Do check it out.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
A bit cooler today, here in Sydney. And I have to say that it is good to realise that it's not blazing hot every day just yet. A bit of changeable weather will see me ease in to the first ever Aussie summer that I will be experiencing. Here's hoping that I will take to it. Fingers crossed.
A great personal injury lawyer
Everyone knows that having a car accident is something that, though of course unwished for, could happen to any one of us. So much is certain. Life is a wonderful thing but a certain element of risk is, unfortunately, always present in almost any thing you do. Even when you your self are the most careful of drivers that does not mean that you will not end up in a car accident at some stage during your driving career.
Rear end collisions can be very tricky as anyone who has been in one can testify. And, what is more, the damage inflicted in a rear end collision can be notoriously difficult to prove. That is when you need one of the best Omaha personal injury lawyers such as Larry R. Demerath. Larry can help you with a free consultation about your rights to compensation.
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Rear end collisions can be very tricky as anyone who has been in one can testify. And, what is more, the damage inflicted in a rear end collision can be notoriously difficult to prove. That is when you need one of the best Omaha personal injury lawyers such as Larry R. Demerath. Larry can help you with a free consultation about your rights to compensation.
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Monday, 27 October 2008
Pic from Oz

The wonderful Sydney Opera House, taken from the stern of one of the ferries. It was a cloudy day when I shot this but I think you can still glean something of the majesty of this icon set in the famous harbour. It's a pretty amazing place, alright, that's for sure. I can't wait to explore the place further..
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Crowns of Power, a great game
If you like great MMOs and fabulous fantasy type games where you can really let your imagination run wild then you may want to listen up as I have found a great one to tell you all about. This fantastic game is called by the intriguing name of Crowns of Power and let me assure you that this one is absolutely wonderful to play. And, you do not have to be a mega Goth to appreciate the art work and aesthetics of the graphics either. It is just great fun.
I downloaded the game and invented my own character. I would urge you to do the same and let me know, perhaps by leaving a comment, what character name you came up with when you put your game thinking cap on. Go on, have a go. My character’s name is Beldar and you had better beware if you run into him. For sure, he is a mighty opponent who knows no fear.
Crowns of Power just happens to be Rampid Interactive's very first 3D graphical online MMO for the PC. You will find an extensive 3D world, full of amazing and stunning landscapes and environments. The game has been designed to support hundreds of players at the same time, together with the network capacity to support a great number of game servers. The players of Crowns of Power will meet up with others from all over the world to fight side by side or opposite one another on the field of battle. Imagine that! Just try to adapt and evolve in this ever changing world, where players direct them selves and guide one another. This is superb entertainment for anyone who enjoys outstanding game environments that have been designed with the utmost care.
I downloaded the game and invented my own character. I would urge you to do the same and let me know, perhaps by leaving a comment, what character name you came up with when you put your game thinking cap on. Go on, have a go. My character’s name is Beldar and you had better beware if you run into him. For sure, he is a mighty opponent who knows no fear.
Crowns of Power just happens to be Rampid Interactive's very first 3D graphical online MMO for the PC. You will find an extensive 3D world, full of amazing and stunning landscapes and environments. The game has been designed to support hundreds of players at the same time, together with the network capacity to support a great number of game servers. The players of Crowns of Power will meet up with others from all over the world to fight side by side or opposite one another on the field of battle. Imagine that! Just try to adapt and evolve in this ever changing world, where players direct them selves and guide one another. This is superb entertainment for anyone who enjoys outstanding game environments that have been designed with the utmost care.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Leaving on a jet plane
Today, it is exactly a week since I left dear old England. I travelled with Qantas to Bangkok and from there with British Airways to Sydney. The flights were rather good without even the merest hint of any turbulence. On the first leg I was sitting next to two rather basic Ulstermen, one of whom was nice enough and slept most of the way, not causing anyone any bother.
His mate, my direct seat neighbour was a burly bloke who did go to sleep but in his restless dreaming tended to flail his arms about a bit, and knocked over glasses of water in my direction. Everytime he woke up he apologised profusely so I couldn't really get angry with him but I was relieved when we landed in Bangkok
His mate, my direct seat neighbour was a burly bloke who did go to sleep but in his restless dreaming tended to flail his arms about a bit, and knocked over glasses of water in my direction. Everytime he woke up he apologised profusely so I couldn't really get angry with him but I was relieved when we landed in Bangkok
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
A great Panama condo
There are some very nice places in the world to visit. And then there are some fantastic places to live. One of these places is beautiful Panama. This is where it is at, so to speak. You should definitely check this out as it could be the perfect investment for you. Register for an eBrochure Here to find out more about this wonderful opportunity.
Panama is really a great place in which to live and also to invest. This is a chance for you to invest in a fabulous property in one of the most historical settings. Check it out.
There has never been a better time to invest in one of these hotel condo units. These have five star amenities and service and feature a roof top terrace, a bar and a pool.
Construction is starting in 2009 so make sure you do not miss out on this spectacular opportunity. This could really be the perfect opportunity to invest for you.
I would love to own a great hotel condo unit like these ones in sunny Panama. A place to escape to and relax and unwind. A fabulous investment asset on top of that. What could be better, I ask you in all honesty?
Panama is really a great place in which to live and also to invest. This is a chance for you to invest in a fabulous property in one of the most historical settings. Check it out.
There has never been a better time to invest in one of these hotel condo units. These have five star amenities and service and feature a roof top terrace, a bar and a pool.
Construction is starting in 2009 so make sure you do not miss out on this spectacular opportunity. This could really be the perfect opportunity to invest for you.
I would love to own a great hotel condo unit like these ones in sunny Panama. A place to escape to and relax and unwind. A fabulous investment asset on top of that. What could be better, I ask you in all honesty?
Hard work
Starting all over again in a new country is certainly hard work. Already, I am in the process of dealing with bureaucrats and civil servants and my patience is, at times, tested somewhat. And that is while I am a citizen of this country and not even an immigrant. Australia does seem to be more bureaucratic than its reputation would lead me to believe. Oh well. I'm sure that all will be well before long..
The best campsites
There are a great many ways to enjoy a great holiday. And, don’t we deserve the best kind of holiday when so much of our valuable time is taken up with work and more work? Of course we do. I have always liked the idea of travel by ocean steamer. Those were the days when you stepped on board a great ocean liner and gently glide across the high seas to some exotic destination or other. Some people like to book a holiday to a sunny sort of place and relax by the pool or lounge on the beach, taking things very easy. I can think of worse things to do, I have to admit.
But, in all honesty I can say that my favourite holiday is a camping holiday. Camping and getting out in to the fresh air is the way to go as far as I am concerned. There are so many great Campsites to choose from and some of them are just superbly located to make the most of your holiday
I tend to prefer campsites that are surrounded by forests. There is just something about waking up in your tent, unzipping the tent cover and breathing in that fresh forest smell. It really gets you going. I also like it when the camp site is near a body of water, such as a river or a lake. Throw some stunning mountain scenery in to the mix and you are sorted
Some of my best memories are connected to my childhood holidays when the family went camping. We loved to go to the United Kingdom, for instance, and enjoy the outdoors life, while staying on a campsite. There is just nothing like camping to cheer you up. Some campsites have a wealth of facilities, some are a bit more Spartan. I think if a campsite offers free hot showers then that really is a good campsite.
Camping is definitely my favourite sort of holiday. So, there!
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But, in all honesty I can say that my favourite holiday is a camping holiday. Camping and getting out in to the fresh air is the way to go as far as I am concerned. There are so many great Campsites to choose from and some of them are just superbly located to make the most of your holiday
I tend to prefer campsites that are surrounded by forests. There is just something about waking up in your tent, unzipping the tent cover and breathing in that fresh forest smell. It really gets you going. I also like it when the camp site is near a body of water, such as a river or a lake. Throw some stunning mountain scenery in to the mix and you are sorted
Some of my best memories are connected to my childhood holidays when the family went camping. We loved to go to the United Kingdom, for instance, and enjoy the outdoors life, while staying on a campsite. There is just nothing like camping to cheer you up. Some campsites have a wealth of facilities, some are a bit more Spartan. I think if a campsite offers free hot showers then that really is a good campsite.
Camping is definitely my favourite sort of holiday. So, there!
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In Oz
I arrived yesterday morning in Sydney after a long flight from Bangkok. The weather in Sydney, just after sunrise, was gorgeous, as if to welcome me home. I appreciated the fresh air after being cooped up in a plane for nearly twenty hours.
Now, I am in the process of battling a bout of jetlag. I don't feel too badly but I do need some more rest. To be continued later..
Now, I am in the process of battling a bout of jetlag. I don't feel too badly but I do need some more rest. To be continued later..
Friday, 10 October 2008
Beauty school
Education comes in many forms and there seems to be an ideal course or training programme out there for anyone and everyone. I just came across the website for one of the best beauty schools in arizona and, if you permit me, I would like to tell you a bit more about it.
It just happens to be the Regency Beauty Institute and this is no less than the fastest growing beauty school in the United States of America. Would you believe that they have fifty campuses all over the country with more launching all the time. At the moment, there are four superb cosmetology schools in Arizona.
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It just happens to be the Regency Beauty Institute and this is no less than the fastest growing beauty school in the United States of America. Would you believe that they have fifty campuses all over the country with more launching all the time. At the moment, there are four superb cosmetology schools in Arizona.
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This very morning I went to our local greasy spoon Oliver's to have myself my last English breakfast on English soil for a while. It was a good one, luckily. Over the years I have enjoyed many a fine fry-up and my rotund stomach can testify to this. Never mind. Once I am in Oz I may well want to get back in to some sort of shape. We will see. I am not really a gym sort of person but perhaps I can think of something else to whip myself back in to shape.
Friday, 3 October 2008

View of the river Avon as it runs through the centre of Bristol. Bristol is a great place to live and I have had a great eight years here. There are many things I will miss about living here and many a fond memory will haunt me in years to come. It's a funny old place with some funny people but it has a heart and it has character.
In fact, Bristol has character in buckets. Some people will remain with me forever. It has been a lovely place to live. Thank you, dear Brizle..
In fact, Bristol has character in buckets. Some people will remain with me forever. It has been a lovely place to live. Thank you, dear Brizle..
I came across some fascinating information that I would like to share with you. Have you heard of entheogen. Entheogen is closely related to “ethnobotanical”, which is a more general term used for plants that have healing properties such as Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum). Possilby the oldest known entheogen is Amanita muscaria, and another one is Ayahuasca. Also, you may want to check out kona kava as well as others just like Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, and Blue Lotus.
These have a more arcane place in Shamanic tradition. Check out the website for some very insightful information. You may well find that you learn a lot of great information about these fascinating entheogens. Check it out!
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These have a more arcane place in Shamanic tradition. Check out the website for some very insightful information. You may well find that you learn a lot of great information about these fascinating entheogens. Check it out!
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Radio and Telly
I hope I will find some good telly and radio in Sydney. I do like listening to Radio 6 and Radio Five Live and some of the British television channels are very good. I will miss the BBC’s output of course, but perhaps I can find something I like on ABC. We’ll see. The internet will help me keep in touch with things British and there is a lot of focus on the UK in general in the Australian media.
On the radio this morning there was a discussion on whether or not caning should be re-introduced into schools because of the levels of ill-discipline and disruption among students. Some people advocated the use of the cane to improve a sense a discipline, some other rejected the idea. I know that I would not want to be a teacher these days. The abuse suffered by teachers from students is truly scary and it seems very difficult to make any headway with their education. I think it’s too late for the cane, though.
Pain relief
Sometimes when you suffer from an ailment it can seem as though there is no solution out there. But, more often than not this is not the case at all. There is often something that can be done to remedy the situation. For instance, if you need a good remedy for Foot Pain Relief there is an answer to your trouble.
This year more than a thousand sample packs of ENGO patches were sent to NHWC members in both the Today’s Health & Wellness and North American Hunter (NAH) member groups. These ENGO patches subsequently were tested for effectiveness at preventing blisters and relieving blister pain. They were also tested for ease of use, price as well as a variety of other characteristics. Check them out!
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This year more than a thousand sample packs of ENGO patches were sent to NHWC members in both the Today’s Health & Wellness and North American Hunter (NAH) member groups. These ENGO patches subsequently were tested for effectiveness at preventing blisters and relieving blister pain. They were also tested for ease of use, price as well as a variety of other characteristics. Check them out!
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Cats and dogs
Friends of mine have two cats and have recently acquired a nice little dog. The cats seem to tolerate the new canine on the block, which is good. I quite like dogs but I don’t think I would ever want to have one. I like their loyalty to their owners but on the whole I prefer cats. Cats rule!
Film..Bond film
I can hardly wait until the new James Bond film is out. Later this month we will be treated to ‘the Quantum of Solace’, admittedly a rather cumbersome title for a film but there you go. I think Daniel Craig did a very good job in Casino Royale and I was impressed with the way in which the film’s makers re-invented the genre for a new age. It was fast, action packed and devoid of some of the cheesy sexist innuendo that used to abound in some of the classic films.
The perfect honeymoon
What is better than going somewhere wonderfully romantic for your honeymoon? Usually, you will want any vacation to be a wonderful one but more importantly your honeymoon vacation needs to be just right, I think you will agree. There are many destinations to choose from when considering where to go for your vacation of honeymoon.
You should certainly check out the white sand beaches of Riviera Maya. You see, the word Karisma come sfrom the Greek and means ‘divine favour’. Karisma hotels is a group of divinely favoured properties located on stunning white sand beaches on the Mexican Riviera Maya. This is the ultimate destination for a gloriously romantic honeymoon vacation.
You should certainly check out the white sand beaches of Riviera Maya. You see, the word Karisma come sfrom the Greek and means ‘divine favour’. Karisma hotels is a group of divinely favoured properties located on stunning white sand beaches on the Mexican Riviera Maya. This is the ultimate destination for a gloriously romantic honeymoon vacation.
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Health and fitness
When I start my new life in Sydney I may decide to get back in shape a bit sharpish. I have gained the odd pound here or there during my eight years in England. Too may pies, English breakfasts and more besides. Of course, I do like a pint or two as well and that has not helped. I will never be a surf dude (my surfing days are over) but I think I may try to get a bit fitter. We’ll see.
Hot, hot, hot
As autumn is taking hold here in the United Kingdom I look forward to the spring and summer that I will be shortly be experiencing in Australia. It will be quite unusual to skip a winter and go straight into a hot Aussie summer. Apparently, around Sydney they are now forecasting thirty five degrees. Nice one. I can’t quite imagine it but it will be all too real very soon indeed.
Data management
With the increased use of data systems and automated computerised systems there arises the need for all sorts of software to regulate specific processes. One of these factors is Data Management Software and if you have a need for this type of software you should definitely check out Syncsort Incorporated.
Syncsort Incorporated has been developing high performance software for data management and data protection. The products of Syncsort incorparated are used in over fifty countries to speed data warehouse processing and to improve database loads. There is a great emphasis on technical excellence and superior service. Check out the website of Syncsort Incorporated for more information.
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Syncsort Incorporated has been developing high performance software for data management and data protection. The products of Syncsort incorparated are used in over fifty countries to speed data warehouse processing and to improve database loads. There is a great emphasis on technical excellence and superior service. Check out the website of Syncsort Incorporated for more information.
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Another thing I will miss about England is the proper country pub. You know the type of thing: You are driving along the long and winding roads, purring along and lunch time approaches. You keep an eye out and suddenly you see a beautiful country pub by the side of the road. Bingo! You go in and it’s all old time charm with low ceiling beams with bunches of hops hanging from them. A ploughman’s lunch or some fish and chips; lovely stuff!
My colleagues bought me a few nice bottles of real ales as a leaving present. I will certainly miss the wonderful beers, bitters and ales that I used to enjoy here in merry England. Going to the pub here is just so much fun and a far more enjoyable experience compared to going to a bar in Holland, where I lived in the past. There is a vast range of drinks to choose from and in a good pub everyone is welcome, making you feel at ease whatever you age or background.
Dressing up and jewelry
Is there anything more fun than dressing up for a big night out? It can be such good fun to get dressed up to the nines for a big occasion, such as a wedding or another big event like a reception or gala dinner. I think most ladies will admit to really enjoying such social events and getting dressed properly is certainly part of this.
Of course, if you are going to put on your glad rags you will also need some great designer costume jewelry in order to make an impact. If you are looking for some great costume jewelry you should check out Holsted Jewelers who have been providing exclusively designed jewelry, gifts and accessories to millions of satisfied customers since 1971.
Of course, if you are going to put on your glad rags you will also need some great designer costume jewelry in order to make an impact. If you are looking for some great costume jewelry you should check out Holsted Jewelers who have been providing exclusively designed jewelry, gifts and accessories to millions of satisfied customers since 1971.
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Last working day
Last Wednesday was my very last day at work. I now have a few days off until I leave for Australia and my new life there. My colleagues were great about giving me a good send off and had chosen a few nice ales for me and also a card that was signed by everyone who knew me. I really appreciated the gesture. And, needless to say, after work we retired to a nearby pub for a few pints. It was a great way to say goodbye to my colleagues and my working life here in Bristol.
A great advertising option
If you want to run any kind of business venture successfully you will have to make sure your advertising budget is right on the money, so to speak. After all, the old adage that says that it pays to advertise still holds true as anyone who is engaged in running a business will confirm. Especially if you run a smaller business you will want to take advantage of the advertising possibilities that the internet has to offer.
One place where you should turn to for your internet advertising is AdPropel as they could be the answer to all of your internet advertising needs. They specialise in providing internet advertising solutions to small businesses. So, you would be wise to check out their smartly designed website. I had a good look around the website and was impressed with what AdPropel has to offer to small businesses.
In a prominent place on the website you will find a very handy advertising calculator where you just enter a product and calculate your advertising options, broken down by average CPC, web visitors, and sales. This indeed is a very snazzy and useful feature that will tell you straight away what AdPropel can do for your business.
They also offer a service called Pay as you go pricing where you can define a monthly budget you are comfortable with. They then will show your advertisements to thousands of potential customers on search engines and web sites for free. Then, when a customer is interested in your ad and responds with a "click" they will deduct a small amount from your account. This seems like a very sensible option for small businesses. After all, you will want to remain in control of your advertising costs. Controlling the advertising budget is of vital importance for smaller businesses, that goes without saying.
One place where you should turn to for your internet advertising is AdPropel as they could be the answer to all of your internet advertising needs. They specialise in providing internet advertising solutions to small businesses. So, you would be wise to check out their smartly designed website. I had a good look around the website and was impressed with what AdPropel has to offer to small businesses.
In a prominent place on the website you will find a very handy advertising calculator where you just enter a product and calculate your advertising options, broken down by average CPC, web visitors, and sales. This indeed is a very snazzy and useful feature that will tell you straight away what AdPropel can do for your business.
They also offer a service called Pay as you go pricing where you can define a monthly budget you are comfortable with. They then will show your advertisements to thousands of potential customers on search engines and web sites for free. Then, when a customer is interested in your ad and responds with a "click" they will deduct a small amount from your account. This seems like a very sensible option for small businesses. After all, you will want to remain in control of your advertising costs. Controlling the advertising budget is of vital importance for smaller businesses, that goes without saying.
Check out AdPropel as they could do the business for you, and then some!
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Last day at work
Today is my last day at work before I have a few days remaining until I leave for Australia. I brought in some cake for my colleagues to feast upon and they were most appreciative. It will be strange to leave Bristol University, my place of work for the last eight years. Time waits for no one, I suppose and nothing lasts forever.
I will miss this funny old university in this funny old city. Bristol has been good to me and now it's time to move on. So with a joyful yet heavy heart it's 'Sydney or the bush' now..
I will miss this funny old university in this funny old city. Bristol has been good to me and now it's time to move on. So with a joyful yet heavy heart it's 'Sydney or the bush' now..
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