So we have our new Prime Minister in office for a few weeks and what do I think? So far Gordon Brown has had quite a bit to deal with already; floodings, muslim attacks, food and mouth disease (not him personally but rather the farmers' livestock). I think he still has a tendency to render himself slightly invisible when something needs addressing. But perhaps he just takes his time to formulate a response to grave matters whereas Tony Blur would always jump at the chance to grab the limelight. This PM seems to have much more gravitas than Huggy Blair ever did.
I can't image Brown appearing in a tired yet popular juvenile comedy programme doing a skit in a desperate attempt to appear 'with it' and 'down with the kids'.
I hope Gordon Brown will be able to sort a few things out. Everyday the news features another case of murder or vicious brutal assault. There seems to be a moral crisis resulting in some horrific violence if the press is to be believed.
I wouldn't mind if he tackled the inadequate public transport system. As long as it's cheaper to fly from London to Manchester than it is to take the train traffic woes will continue. I'd like to use the train more often but I would probably have to re-mortgage to do so.
I'm glad by the way that Brown spoke out about the present troubles in Burma. Bush has also used some strong language in condemning the vile military junta in that country. It's suprisingly quiet in Europe regarding the monks' protest. But then, you don't expect to find much in the way of a spine among politicians on the Continent. Tant pis.

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