Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Halloween is once again upon us. No doubt we'll get one or two trick-or-treaters at the door. Last year there was a little witch and a vampire (perhaps brother and sister) and on the pavement behind them their mother keeping an eye on them. It's amazing to see the creepy and grizzly paraphernalia in the shops, all trying to sell pumpkins and scary outfits in time for the seasonal scare-fest. Samhain is still alive, then, and it's a fun holiday I think. One year my wife hollowed out a big orange pumpkin which, in a way, ended up looking properly spooky. An interesting time of year, that's for sure.
Teeth to make you smile
If you are looking for a good San Diego dentist you may want to consider these dentists. They offer a complete dental health service and can put a fabulous smile on you. They are a family and cosmetic dentistry service that offers great health care for your teeth. Dr Collins and Dr Landau specialise in invisalign and can help you get your wonderful smile and healthy teeth.
This is a sponsored post.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Sunny Monday
It's a lovely sunny morning and it's nice to go into work with some bright cheery sunshine all around. Even though I spent nearly an hour and a half on the bus, crawling through near-stagnant traffic. Oh well. It's another working week and I happen to feel fine, so what's the problem. I would go as far as to say: No worries, mate!

Saturday, 27 October 2007
Friday again and tonight we are going for a meal in a local Greek restaurant. Can't wait for that Souvlaki and afterwards some Baklava. Hmmm! Bring it on Mr Waiter. Of course, we will also order a nice bottle of red. That goes without saying, really.
Friday and the weekend is just around the corner. Life is not too shabby today!

Friday and the weekend is just around the corner. Life is not too shabby today!
Chocolate Heaven
Are you one of those people who enjoy the heavenly pleasures of fine chocolate? What is that? Yes, I hear you say. Well, then I am certain you would agree with me that Maltesers are just fabulous little chocolate treats.
There are few pleasures in life that are so refined and superlatively sensuous as to enjoy some superb chocolate. When you pop these fine treasures into your mouth, a world of glee and wondrous enjoyment opens up for your delectation. It is strange to imagine a world without the joy of chocolate. Somehow I cannot seem to believe that would be possible. We need chocolate, and we deserve chocolate.
My wife enjoys Maltesers or other choccies but the person in our household with the real sweet tooth is me, I must confess. It is usually late in the evening when I get one of my chocolate yearnings, and when it happens I just have to have some chocolate.
There are few pleasures in life that are so refined and superlatively sensuous as to enjoy some superb chocolate. When you pop these fine treasures into your mouth, a world of glee and wondrous enjoyment opens up for your delectation. It is strange to imagine a world without the joy of chocolate. Somehow I cannot seem to believe that would be possible. We need chocolate, and we deserve chocolate.
My wife enjoys Maltesers or other choccies but the person in our household with the real sweet tooth is me, I must confess. It is usually late in the evening when I get one of my chocolate yearnings, and when it happens I just have to have some chocolate.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Boris for Mayor?

Bright flowers to drive away the autumn gloom

Wednesday, 24 October 2007
A good friend of mine is currently travelling on her own through Yemen. She visited me a few weeks ago and then went on to Muscat in Oman, and then on to Sana'a in Yemen. I remember reading about Sana'a and Yemen and the Queen of Sheba and how that city may be the oldest in the world. It's between Jericho and Sana'a as to which is the oldest city on the planet. And of course the legends of the Queen of Sheba are fascinating. How apparently you can read in the Bible how King Solomon used a metal flying machine to pop down to Yemen or Ethopia to give the Queen of Sheba a bit of a cuddle. That sort of thing sets my mind racing, incurable Romantic that I am..
I just had a look at TOPicks.info and found that this an extremely easy way to generate a custom RRS feed. It could not be simpler. All you need to do is create an account first. This is very easy, almost instant as it allows you to create your own account on the spot. Then you are taken to a screen where you can enter your RSS feed whereupon it will generate your custom RSS feed. There is also the possibility to add topics associated with your feed which is handy.
Oh dear...
Silly cow.. You really have to wonder about some people. Just because 9/11 happened in the US it is somehow not really such a bad thing, Doris Lessing argues. Thus implying that the Americans had it coming. She goes on to compare the event to the IRA reign of terror in the UK and seems to want to turn it into some sort of sick competition. She ends with a few cheap shots at American proclivities towards sentimentalism and over-reacting as she perceives it. People like this and the Goremonger get awarded Nobel Prizes these days. Sic transit...

Bag ladies
Yesterday I was at home listening to a discussion on Radio Five Live about the wasteful over-use of packaging that you get when you shop at supermarkets. A lot of people phoned in with the required sense of eco-fuelled righteous indignation. What better way to show that you're a moral person than to show your original (because you thought of it first, surely?) anger with supermarket packaging? Here was a wonderful green bandwagon for us all to jump on. The BBC, with its Marxist fear of big business, incited people to go shopping, and then strip their articles of the packaging and leave this behing at the check-out for the supermarket to deal with. That would show them!
I fully agree that wasteful packaging is not a good idea and my wife and I do try to recycle as much as possible. But the moral bandwagon that everyone jumps on is just enough to get up my nose. People were phoning in, falling over themselves to claim their right-on green credentials. Not the sort of medal-demanding greenoids I would want to associate with. And why heap your unwanted packaging on a doubtless hapless check-out operator on minumum wage who really doesn't want to be there? By all means, let's recycle and reduce waste but can we leave the moral posturing behind please?

The shopping bug
I recently had a need for shopping cart software . I had opened an online store to sell my art images and photography and needed a system to keep check of purchases and sales information. I really enjoyed setting up the store and found the other day that I had made my first few sales with which I was very pleased. To do this I needed some reliable shopping cart software.
Some ecommerce software to handle your sales is invaluable. It is most gratifying when you find that you what you create as an artist is actually valued by other people looking to buy art online. They need somewhere to fill their shopping cart, after all.
And it is so much easier for an artist to find an audience these days. With the advent of the internet that much sought after public can be right at the artist’s fingertips. With some research and inventiveness you can find ways to attract potential customers to your site and persuade them to make a purchase. After all, not every creative person or artist feels the need to end up in destitution and squalor. Bills need to be paid and if you can make a few sales along the way then so much the better.
Some ecommerce software to handle your sales is invaluable. It is most gratifying when you find that you what you create as an artist is actually valued by other people looking to buy art online. They need somewhere to fill their shopping cart, after all.
And it is so much easier for an artist to find an audience these days. With the advent of the internet that much sought after public can be right at the artist’s fingertips. With some research and inventiveness you can find ways to attract potential customers to your site and persuade them to make a purchase. After all, not every creative person or artist feels the need to end up in destitution and squalor. Bills need to be paid and if you can make a few sales along the way then so much the better.
Garden bliss
This morning I went in to the garden as the sun was just coming out. It was lovely just to be out there in the fresh air with the cheerful brightness of the sun all around me. And it dawned on me that just because it is not summer anymore you can still enjoy a nice sunny day. A brisk and crisp sunny winter's day can be wonderful and uplifting and today proved to be just such a day. It makes winter a bit easier to deal with and that can only be good news!

Argus at PayPerPost
There is a new programme coming to payperpost and it is called Argus. You may well ask what this could mean for blogging and bloggers. Argus is a new PayPerPost platform that aims to address the needs of its users who want to see a number of features to enhance the blogging experience. In fact, Argus will consist of nine new systems to do just that.
Argus will be applying measured statistics to the process. I gather that the new Argus functionality will take into account site statistics and blogs’ visitors in greater detail.
This new Argus feature will not merely be an upgrade to PayPerPost, it will be much more than that. Advertisers and bloggers will interact in a whole new way in Argus.
There will be a whole host of blogging tools available to bloggers and advertisers such as buzz building, traffic generation, ranking, social interaction, transparency, disclosure and analysis of campaigns.
The PPP tools will be very important and will play a pivotal role in the new Argus set-up. These tools will be used to provide advertisers with accurate page view and visitor information rather than having to rely of Google PR or Alexa Score.
I think Argus could be good news for advertisers and bloggers alike. It looks like advertisers will be better able to direct opportunities at specific blogs and for bloggers the ways in which they will be able to profile their blogs will increase. It is good to see new developments at PayPerPost and innovation taking place. You have to keep moving in this game and PayPerPost seems to be doing just that. Good luck to one and all!
Argus will be applying measured statistics to the process. I gather that the new Argus functionality will take into account site statistics and blogs’ visitors in greater detail.
This new Argus feature will not merely be an upgrade to PayPerPost, it will be much more than that. Advertisers and bloggers will interact in a whole new way in Argus.
There will be a whole host of blogging tools available to bloggers and advertisers such as buzz building, traffic generation, ranking, social interaction, transparency, disclosure and analysis of campaigns.
The PPP tools will be very important and will play a pivotal role in the new Argus set-up. These tools will be used to provide advertisers with accurate page view and visitor information rather than having to rely of Google PR or Alexa Score.
I think Argus could be good news for advertisers and bloggers alike. It looks like advertisers will be better able to direct opportunities at specific blogs and for bloggers the ways in which they will be able to profile their blogs will increase. It is good to see new developments at PayPerPost and innovation taking place. You have to keep moving in this game and PayPerPost seems to be doing just that. Good luck to one and all!
Day off
Today is my day off and I chose to celebrate that happy occurrence by having a bit of a lie-in, followed by a nice fry-up at my local cafe, Oliver's. The proprietor there is very friendly and always asks when I walk in: "Your usual?" I suppose I'm a man of certain habits. I then came home and did some painting that needed doing. So, it's not all fun and games, mind you..
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
It's a gamble!
Every now and then I like to play a game of online poker and I when I do I always enjoy it. But it is not always easy to find the right side for some online poker fun. If only there was a site where you could read reviews of a number of gambling sites.
I like to play a game sometimes and just relax online playing an exciting game of poker or some other gambling sport. It is a fun thing to do and it is diverting and takes me out of the normal mundane everyday routine.
It sharpens the mind and focuses the brain to apply yourself playing poker and playing a game online is an ideal way of training your gaming skills. It is good fun and you will enjoy it, no worries! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, after all, wouldn’t you say? Play and have some fun, that’s what I say..
I like to play a game sometimes and just relax online playing an exciting game of poker or some other gambling sport. It is a fun thing to do and it is diverting and takes me out of the normal mundane everyday routine.
It sharpens the mind and focuses the brain to apply yourself playing poker and playing a game online is an ideal way of training your gaming skills. It is good fun and you will enjoy it, no worries! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, after all, wouldn’t you say? Play and have some fun, that’s what I say..
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Control your stock!
If you run a business you will need some Inventory Control Programs to keep track of your stock. Your stock is the core of your business, in fact it could be argued that your stock is your business and keeping control of what goes out and what comes in can be considered a vital part of running your own business.
A browser-based business management solution could be just the answer for those running their own small business. I once used to have my own online store where I sold my books and works of art. Granted it was a small-scale set-up but I remember how useful it was to have the right kind of software to keep track of orders placed, payments, and stock arrangements. In fact, it was crucial to have such a business programme as it was helpful in ways that I had not believed possible previously.
Being in business means keeping an eye on new developments and reacting to the whims and twists and turns of the market, that wily entity. Not everyone is cut out to be a business person and, personally, I would always choose to be on the creative end of the spectrum, as opposed to the hard-edged business end of the equation. That is just the way I am. Having said that, I would concede that although I am more of the creative type, I do have an interest in selling my product, and selling it well.
No one can live without generating his or her income and one of the ways to do just that is running a business. Nowadays, modern technology and the internet are on hand to assist the small business person in running a store or any kind of business set-up. So, things may have become a lot easier in many ways. But I believe you still need that special business know-how. That’s just the way it is..
A browser-based business management solution could be just the answer for those running their own small business. I once used to have my own online store where I sold my books and works of art. Granted it was a small-scale set-up but I remember how useful it was to have the right kind of software to keep track of orders placed, payments, and stock arrangements. In fact, it was crucial to have such a business programme as it was helpful in ways that I had not believed possible previously.
Being in business means keeping an eye on new developments and reacting to the whims and twists and turns of the market, that wily entity. Not everyone is cut out to be a business person and, personally, I would always choose to be on the creative end of the spectrum, as opposed to the hard-edged business end of the equation. That is just the way I am. Having said that, I would concede that although I am more of the creative type, I do have an interest in selling my product, and selling it well.
No one can live without generating his or her income and one of the ways to do just that is running a business. Nowadays, modern technology and the internet are on hand to assist the small business person in running a store or any kind of business set-up. So, things may have become a lot easier in many ways. But I believe you still need that special business know-how. That’s just the way it is..
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Gordo strikes again
So much for democracy. First the Dutch and French reject in a referendum the EU constitution, causing some panic among the ueber-bureaucrats in Brussels and Strasbourg. What to do next? I know, says some bright spark: we'll just call it a treaty and push it through anyway. If it's not a constitution you don't need to offer your populace a referendum, do you? Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, gave the game away by saying that the treaty is identical to the rejected constitution.
The Labour party promises that we in the UK would have a referendum on the constitution. But hey, it's now a treaty so you don't need to have a referendum. Politics certainly is a dirty, dirty business, that's for sure. I used to be quite European in my outlook before I came to live in England. Nowadays, I can't really see much point in relegating a nation's sovereign powers to a large undemocratic and often corrupt Euro-Kremlin in Brussels.
Where was the EU condemnation regarding the Burmese regime's oppression of the recent monks' protests? Gordon Brown was strong in his condemnation of the junta's approach to the demonstrations, Bush was resolute as well. Yet out of Brussels not a word in support of the people of Burma. What, indeed, is the point of the EU? I suppose it has kept Germany under control which was one of the reasons for founding the EU in the first place. Small consolation.
The Labour party promises that we in the UK would have a referendum on the constitution. But hey, it's now a treaty so you don't need to have a referendum. Politics certainly is a dirty, dirty business, that's for sure. I used to be quite European in my outlook before I came to live in England. Nowadays, I can't really see much point in relegating a nation's sovereign powers to a large undemocratic and often corrupt Euro-Kremlin in Brussels.
Where was the EU condemnation regarding the Burmese regime's oppression of the recent monks' protests? Gordon Brown was strong in his condemnation of the junta's approach to the demonstrations, Bush was resolute as well. Yet out of Brussels not a word in support of the people of Burma. What, indeed, is the point of the EU? I suppose it has kept Germany under control which was one of the reasons for founding the EU in the first place. Small consolation.
The garden office
I wonder what the virtues are of Garden Offices and Buildings when you think about it. Most men love the relative sanctuary that a good private shed may offer but have you ever thought of what it would be like to have a proper office or building in the garden? It would certainly be a private den in a nice setting. I do most of my writing in our study which doubles as a guest bedroom. This is fine although at times it seems as though it also functions as a first floor attic or indoor shed.
I could use a dedicated workspace and to build something lasting in the garden could be a viable option, to be sure. Some of those garden constructions these days really look the business. They are a far cry from the usual dank shabby sheds that we know and love so well. I would love a nice little building with some decoration, set in the back of the garden where I would have all the privacy and peace and quiet I need.
Obviously, there would be electricity and heating if needed, so it would not be a case of roughing it or enduring any camping-like hardships. It could be a real chance for a private workspace where I, who fancies himself as a bit of a writer, could work and scribble away in tranquillity.
The garden should be a haven of peace, with perhaps a nicely kept lawn, some flowerbeds, plants and trees. In a way, a garden is a grove where you can escape the cares of the world, the mundane reality of modern life where at any one moment you can be called upon. Just think about mobile phones et cetera. To withdraw to a garden office and forget about anything else apart from the work in hand would be bliss.
It could be a grand idea indeed!
I could use a dedicated workspace and to build something lasting in the garden could be a viable option, to be sure. Some of those garden constructions these days really look the business. They are a far cry from the usual dank shabby sheds that we know and love so well. I would love a nice little building with some decoration, set in the back of the garden where I would have all the privacy and peace and quiet I need.
Obviously, there would be electricity and heating if needed, so it would not be a case of roughing it or enduring any camping-like hardships. It could be a real chance for a private workspace where I, who fancies himself as a bit of a writer, could work and scribble away in tranquillity.
The garden should be a haven of peace, with perhaps a nicely kept lawn, some flowerbeds, plants and trees. In a way, a garden is a grove where you can escape the cares of the world, the mundane reality of modern life where at any one moment you can be called upon. Just think about mobile phones et cetera. To withdraw to a garden office and forget about anything else apart from the work in hand would be bliss.
It could be a grand idea indeed!
Sun in autumn
It looks chilly as I peer out my study window. The sun is shining but the garden looks a bit gloomy and frosty. I saw on the weather report last night that in Madrid it's still twenty-four degrees would you believe it? I wouldn't mind some of that, I can tell you. Luckily, it never gets that cold where we live but I much prefer spring and summer to autumn and winter. Brrr!
Photo magic
Did you ever consider having your precious Photographs printed onto Canvas ? This may well prove to be the site for you. Here you can upload your picture and have it stretched onto canvas which would make for an ideal gift. It would be a great idea to brighten up your room with this. It would be personal as it is concerns your own pictures but the results would be surprising as you get a genuine canvas image to decorate your house.
There are different sizes to choose from and the whole process seems very easy to deal with. On this site they explain how it works and they show some examples of their work that look very impressive. You can also get a free consultation or a free brochure with more information.
Personally, I love photography. I used to have a big Praktica camera that my sister had given me for my birthday. That was the first camera I used to take serious pictures. I loved that bulky piece of East-German technology. I took it with me on trips to Italy and Greece and managed to shoot some fine images with it.
These days I have turned digital and I use an Olympus SLR for my photography. The possibilities seem endless and I am always learning new tricks. I love the flexibility of digital photography and how it allows me to do more with the images after shooting them. Using a programme you can alter or enhance images, play around with format and colour, change them in an artistic way and more. It is really very exciting to have that creative freedom with an image after you have taken it in the first place.
Usually I like to print my images myself using high-gloss professional photo paper. I would certainly consider having an image put onto canvas. I think it would make for a nice addition to the living room, for instance.
There are different sizes to choose from and the whole process seems very easy to deal with. On this site they explain how it works and they show some examples of their work that look very impressive. You can also get a free consultation or a free brochure with more information.
Personally, I love photography. I used to have a big Praktica camera that my sister had given me for my birthday. That was the first camera I used to take serious pictures. I loved that bulky piece of East-German technology. I took it with me on trips to Italy and Greece and managed to shoot some fine images with it.
These days I have turned digital and I use an Olympus SLR for my photography. The possibilities seem endless and I am always learning new tricks. I love the flexibility of digital photography and how it allows me to do more with the images after shooting them. Using a programme you can alter or enhance images, play around with format and colour, change them in an artistic way and more. It is really very exciting to have that creative freedom with an image after you have taken it in the first place.
Usually I like to print my images myself using high-gloss professional photo paper. I would certainly consider having an image put onto canvas. I think it would make for a nice addition to the living room, for instance.
Oddly shaped ball
So, today at last sees the final of the rugby between England and South-Africa, or the Springboks as they are nicknamed. We'll see. Perhaps Jonny Wilkinson can weave his kicking magic and run rings around the Souther hemisphere lads. If we're in it when the last minutes start ticking away we're in with a chance. I'll be enjoying it with a pint of bitter in the lounge. Bring it on!

UK hotels
I found this site for UK Hotel Reservations and Bookings and had a good look around. This is a welcoming hotel booking site, with a pleasant lay-out and clear sections divided up around the page. There are quick tabs for types of hotels; city breaks, coastal classics, country retreats and more.
There is a highlighted pick of week, which was a nice looking hotel in Warwickshire when I was on the site. There are London hotels, obviously, and there is a top 5 UK city breaks. You can also click on a map to find your hotel. The site is easy to move around and is not too busy or fussy.
To me what makes for a good hotel is a combination of factors that all need to come together. The location needs to be good. If I am on a city break the hotel needs to be in the centre but in a good location. If I am in the country a nice view and some rustic scenery would be a bonus, on the coast a sea view would be nice et cetera.
The hotel room should be satisfactory in that it needs to be comfortable and clean and it should be kept clean every day while I stay in the hotel. In some hotels the cleaning regime can be a bit hit and miss which is always off-putting. It’s nice when the staff are friendly and helpful and can give you tips and suggestions for places to see and things to do in the vicinity.
A good restaurant is a feature that is much appreciated as is a hotel bar with a modicum of character where you can have a nice drink at the end of the day. All these things combined can make for a good hotel experience. I am not mentioning price as that is subjective and relative. I have stayed in some nice hotels and in some hotels that were not so fantastic. A lot of things need to come together for it to work. Just don’t ask for the Basil Fawlty room!
There is a highlighted pick of week, which was a nice looking hotel in Warwickshire when I was on the site. There are London hotels, obviously, and there is a top 5 UK city breaks. You can also click on a map to find your hotel. The site is easy to move around and is not too busy or fussy.
To me what makes for a good hotel is a combination of factors that all need to come together. The location needs to be good. If I am on a city break the hotel needs to be in the centre but in a good location. If I am in the country a nice view and some rustic scenery would be a bonus, on the coast a sea view would be nice et cetera.
The hotel room should be satisfactory in that it needs to be comfortable and clean and it should be kept clean every day while I stay in the hotel. In some hotels the cleaning regime can be a bit hit and miss which is always off-putting. It’s nice when the staff are friendly and helpful and can give you tips and suggestions for places to see and things to do in the vicinity.
A good restaurant is a feature that is much appreciated as is a hotel bar with a modicum of character where you can have a nice drink at the end of the day. All these things combined can make for a good hotel experience. I am not mentioning price as that is subjective and relative. I have stayed in some nice hotels and in some hotels that were not so fantastic. A lot of things need to come together for it to work. Just don’t ask for the Basil Fawlty room!
How the English love their cup of tea . I once read about how the British Army had devised a system whereby soldiers could brew a cup of tea during marching. On the back of one soldier would be the tea-making contraption, strapped to the shoulders in a rucksack sort of manner, and the soldier following directly behind would be able to make a cup of tea in this way. It sounds very fanciful but these people were nothing if not ingenious. Wonder if they did a cappuccino as well?
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