Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Charity shops

Just went into a local charity shop to pick up an item in which my better half had expressed an interest. As usual there was a small pack of elderly ladies on duty, busily engaged in one of many chats. Mind you, these nice ladies are all volunteers who donate their time to help out working in one of these shops whose main reason d'etre is to raise money for a worthy cause.

So, far be it from me to knock them but this particular shop is something else. Sometimes there are a few people sitting around -there is a cafe- that make you imagine you've walked in to a scene from the motion picture Deliverance. And whatever you buy, however small the item, these kind ladies insist on wrapping it in a big plastic carrier bag. If you say to them that you don't really need a bag they ask in a disappointed tone: "Are you sure, love? Don't you want a bag? Do you want a bag?" You'd think they had shares in the manufacture of plastic bags.

But these charity shops do good work and for the punter it's a good deal as well. Sometimes you can pick up real bargains. But I don't need a bag!

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