Sunday, 30 June 2013

Sunday night chill out zone

Busy week ahead.
Chilling out big time with my family. Nothing beats that..

Music musings

I love discussing music with my 24-year old step-daughter. I enjoy her take on things and what, in her opinion, makes for a credible artist or a good song.

In many ways I think music is something genuinely special and rare. If done right, a song or a symphony or an aria or a even a jaunty little tune on a tin whistle can aim its arrows straight at one's heart and create something truly extraordinary.

Some say music these days is a bit rubbish but I don't agree at all. Perhaps mainstream music hasn't quite got that instant appeal it may have once had but then my tastes were always a bit more alternative so in a way my focus is not so much on today's big selling artists anyway.

But hey, what do I know?