Thursday 9 April 2009


I was reading an entertaining book about Britain entitled Blighty. It was written by Steve Lowe and Alan McArthur. It's a wry look at the places and people in Britain that remain puzzling and sometimes odd in their allure. They visit druids' ceremonies at Stonehenge, ancient pubs rife with local folklore, the giant priapic chalk outline of Cerne Abbas and more besides. They also have a look at Wales, of course, and they mention somewhere that the Welsh flag, featuring the mighty red dragon, is known, at least in Wales, as the world's oldest flag.

I have to admit that this was news to me but I like the notion of this flag with its powerful symbol is so old. If you have to rally to a banner then it might as well be one with a big majestic dragon on it.

I used to live in Somerset, an English county but very close to Wales, and the county's coat of arms or logo also had a dragon in it. No one likes an effete and forgettable symbol. The dragon rules. That's what I say..

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