Tuesday 10 June 2008

The best trailer hitch

Ah..to go on holiday with the family. Or to go on vacation as some people say. It must be one of the most wonderful things to do in life. I have very fond memories of going on holiday with the family when I was still a boy. My parents would wake my brother and me up in the wee hours when it was still dark outside and bundle us in our payamas into the back of the car, wrapped in our duvets and we would set off on the journey. This way, by the time we woke up we would already be far into the long car journey, usually somewhere in the south of Germany.

Sometimes we would go with our caravan or sometimes with a trailer behind the car, carrying the tent and other equipment. I can remember always double checking the towing trailer hitch before setting off: as I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. I was a bit older by then, needless to say. When travelling in the busy holiday season safety must be of the utmost importance, I feel.

That is why the Hensley Arrow Advanced Towing Systemis such a good investment. The Hensley Arrow has for a long time been the foremost trailer hitch in the recreational vehicle industry. This is simply the best possible trailer hitch that is available out there. You can’t go wrong with an Hensley Arrow trailer hitch.

Sponsored by Hensley Mfg.


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