Saturday 29 November 2008

Generic terrorists attack

Watched with stunned horror the pictures on the news of the muslim attacks on Mumbai. The horror of being hunted by these killers, bent on singling out Brits and Americans. They also attacked a hospital (classy..) and a Jewish club. The sheer terror of finding yourself in a hotel with assassins on the loose, roaming the corridors.

The weird thing, though, was that while I watched the news on the ABC (Australia's equivalent to the equally left-wing BBC) the word 'islamic' or 'muslim' was never uttered. Not once. Apparently, the perpetrators were generic 'terrorists'. Nothing to do with islam or muslims at all, what made you think they did?

At a push, much later in the day, there was some obligatory speculation about which group was responsible. The media likes to have a handy little label to apply. It doesn't matter what they call themselves. Troublesome jihadi muslims; samo samo..

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