Wednesday 23 July 2008

Mobile medical help

Doctors, general practitioners and physicians do have to move about these days. They make house calls, go to other hospitals and surgeries, conferences and generally get to see patients in places outside of their own practice or surgery. So, how useful do you think it would be if they could have an online access to their drugs reference resources such as a mobile CME. Obviously, that would greatly enhance the service that medical staff can provide to patients.

Doctors can now have all sorts of drug information always on call with Epocrates. Perhaps you are not aware that more than half of doctors own a PDA (personal digital assistant) or a smart phone. PDA medical software by companies, such as Epocrates, Inc., can be credited in a very easy way for making pocket-size devices a common thing in physicians’ equipment. This is a real improvement to the working life of medical professionals.

“This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.”

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