In July the smoking ban will come into force in England and frankly I can’t wait. Suddenly it will be possible to enjoy a meal in a restaurant or a drink in a pub without having to feel as if you’re being fumigated in someone else’s nasty habit.
I was a heavy smoker for years and gave up only four years ago. I would never want to become one of those militantly born-again anti-smoking ex-smokers. But I have to say that a holiday I had in Dublin last year, where the ban has been in place for a while, proved to me that this is the way to go. If they can live with a smoking ban in public places in Ireland then it can be done anywhere.
For years I used to hate it when having a meal in a nice restaurant I would feel the burning (pun intended) need to light up in-between courses. After finishing a meal I would sit there wondering: How long before I can smoke one? I would envy the non-smokers in the company who would just enjoy the meal for the sake of the food itself.
So, bring on the smoking ban. It may even impel some smokers to give it up and join the healthier brigade.