Tuesday 15 May 2007

Creepy Scientology..

Scientology was in the news today as footage of a BBC reporter doing a programme on the ‘church’ was posted on YouTube:


In the short film, the Panorama reporter loses his rag as he interviews a spokesman for the mind-bending cult. Obviously, this proves to be good propaganda for the Hubbardians who seem so very influential in Hollywood these days.

Years ago, when scientology was merely one of several sinister cults available, they had their headquarters in Amsterdam close to a major shopping street, always busy with visitors and locals. Scientonomers who were invariably impeccably dressed, though not quite as Thunderbird-like as the Mormon doorstep-nuisances would cruise the shopping area, clipboard at the ready. You could spot them a mile off. They would seek out likely targets, usually of the shy lost teenager type, and invite them to do a fifteen minute questionnaire in their offices, just around a corner, a mere stone’s throw away.

Once there, the test or survey would reveal serious psychological defects and flaws which could, if unattended, prove to be a real danger for the poor victim of all this creepy attention. But, luckily scientology had access to the solution to this terrible psychological problem of which the survey taker had previously been more or less unaware. For a mere five or six or seven or eight thousand guilders, the troubled soul would be able to do a specially designed course to improve the mind, body and soul, no doubt leading to enlightenment and a happy-go-lucky life ever after. Once caught, it would prove very difficult to disengage from the creep-meisters.

Some countries are stricter about granting this cult respectability than others. Germany traditionally has little time for these Sci-Fi freaks. I think they still aren’t allowed to call themselves a ‘church’ in the Heimat. Such was the anger amongst Hollywood celebrity members at this perceived injustice that the likes of Kirstie Alley (didn’t she use to be an actress?) and Goldie Hawn and other famous acolytes signed an open letter protesting at the German ‘persecution’ of their ‘faith’, likening their members’ ordeal to that suffered by the Jews at the hands of the Nazis in the thirties. Nice.

Apparently, the followers of science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard believe we are all descended from a large alien named Xenos (that took some creative juices coming up with that one..), who hovers somewhere near to planet Earth. Now you see it, now you don’t. I think I would have to be paid a few millions by scientology before I start believing that but there you go. There’s a sucker born every minute. Suckers like Tom Cruise, (who made his wifelet undergo the process of birth in complete silence according to scientology custom. I suppose any soothing drugs were also out of the question) and John Travolta.

I support the much cherished freedom of religion enshrined in the US constitution. The problem arises when the likes of these creeps and people like David ‘Waco’ Koresh enjoy the same privileges and rights as established churches.

I have yet to see the South Park episode that deals with scientology. I think I’ll go and have a look at it now. Cheers! Watch your mind..

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