Tuesday 21 August 2007

What justice?

Yesterday a team of three judges of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal decided in their infinite wisdom that an Italian man who knifed to dead a school teacher twelve years ago may not be deported as was the wish of the Home Office, because doing so would breach the killer's human rights.
I think we can call this a gotspe. The wife of the murderer's victim said that she was devastated that this person, a foreign national, can remain in the same country after his release from prison. He has managed to play the system in order to get a result that makes his life easier.

What, indeed, about the rights of the victim's family not to have to run the risk of running into this allegedly reformed knife-wielding maniac. Every day we read about the most horrific violent crimes and more and more people are becoming scared by what is perceived as a worrying rise in severe crimes. What are decent people to think when three judges want to keep a disgusting killer in our midst rather than co-operate with the Government who want to deport him? It doesn't look good when the human rights of the perpetrator are valued over the rights of the victim's family. They say that a good deed never goes unpunished. Perhaps nowadays an evil deed is rewarded?

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