Saturday 1 December 2007


Until very recently I was totally unaware of the existence of the disease that goes by the name of mesothelioma . Some people, who are given this dire and very grave diagnosis, live for less than two years, others for a year Mesothelioma is a medical term that refers to one of the most deadly diseases that we know. This disease targets about three thousand people every year. The major risk factor is to be exposed to a mineral called asbestos.

For a very long time the world was unaware of the dangerous properties in asbestos and many people were involved in handling this material on a daily basis as part of their job. It was not until more recently that governments and agencies became aware of the need to address this very worrying problem regarding the use of asbestos.
Mesothelioma Medical offers resources for both patients and professionals who are dealing with this grave affliction.

This is a sponsored post. B

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