Saturday 1 December 2007

Faith Sorely Tested Part 2

And yet, this faith is tested severely when I see what people will get up to in the name of their religion. People think it’s acceptable that people who leave islam should be put to death. They feel this way, not in spite of their piety, but rather because of their zealous clinging to doctrine. So, the source of their behaviour is the religious source itself. This is something that is not widely understood in the West and many pundits try to play the card of fundamentalists not interpreting the sources properly. These pundits don’t seem to want to admit that the fundamentalists are quoting chapter and verse when they attempt to justify their actions and moderate muslims are never able to refute these references. I think this dichotomy is what causes so much friction and unease when these issues are addressed on a philosophical level.

I have my faith; that will never change. But what I see of religion these days doesn’t uplift me and I feel sad for that. It feels in a way as if I’m about to part with an old, a very old, friend because I can no longer account for his ways. There is something broken in the world and we don’t seem in a position to mend it. Sic transit Gloria Mundi indeed.

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