Monday 16 June 2008

Feeding your nipper in public

On the radio right now there are a number of women discussing the current rules and regulations regarding breast feeding in public. They are 'manning' the barricades, demanding the right to breast feed in public whenever and wherever they want. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I wouldn't never take issue with a woman engaged in this act that is after all normal. In fact, one person on the radio just now said that he thought people who oppose the act in public are ignorant because breast feeding is perfectly natural. That logic doesn't really apply because I can think of one or two other perfectly natural human acts that would not be acceptable to carry out in public. I'm not always keen on having to be around women breast feeding in a coffee shop or other public place. But I am willing to concede that I don't expect to like everything that someone else does or doesn't do. Give and take a little, I say.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a breastfeeding mama. For 7 months, my baby has been breastfed exclusively. Not once have I seen another woman breastfeeding her baby in public.

I want to say that I am sick of being judged for trying to feed my baby. I try to be discreet - BELIEVE ME, I am NOT interested in showing off my lactating boobies. However, my baby is an active participant and isn't always cooperative with my attempts at feeding discreetly.

I just want to feed my baby without getting stares, gasps, nasty looks, and such. People: it's why women have breasts. Breasts were not put on our bodies to please men - they are intended to feed baby humans. It's sad that such a beautiful thing is looked down upon and ridiculed. The bottom line is a mom HAS to feed her baby and if this offends you, turn your head. Cut these women some slack for trying to give their babies the best care possible.