Wednesday 7 November 2007

Black Friday

You have seen it in films, you have been there yourself. It is the day after Thanksgiving and you have no choice but to brave the immense crowds out shopping to make those invaluable last minute purchases for you loved-ones. There is a site where your 2007 thanksgiving specials will help you out. Here, you can make those desperate holiday purchases online, taking away all of the strain and stress of having to wait in seemingly endless shopping queues in horribly overcrowded shopping malls and department stores.

I do remember once having to race out on what they call Black Friday to get the love of my life that much-deserved holiday gift. The horror, the horror, indeed. It was not a pretty sight, let me tell you in all honesty. Everywhere I looked masses and masses of people were getting in each other’s way, pushing and shoving and forgetting altogether about any holiday spirit they may have possessed when they entered the store.

And would you not agree with me that the holiday season should be free from such hassle and stress? I should think so. Emotions tend to run high enough anyway during the festive season and the least we can expect is some soothing retail therapy, courtesy of Black Friday and their online store. Let us hope this time around the holiday shopping will prove to be a sheer delight and an oasis of peace and tranquillity.

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