Tuesday 20 November 2007

Picture a Boxer

Some people are keen on cats and then many other people prefer dogs and would do anything to look after those lovable creatures. Personally, I love my two cats but I am not chauvinistic in this regard as I would be able to appreciate dogs for their specific canine qualities. When looking at some boxer breed pictures for instance I am moved by the innate dignity that animals seem to possess and how a good dog portrait is easily taken.

I would never want to treat our two little creatures like surrogate children, which is something some people end up doing. I think that part of caring for a dog and your
dog responsibilities is realising that there is a distinction between master and dog and that dogs (or cats for that matter) are animals and not human beings.

In fact you do your dog a favour when you set clear boundaries for it to adhere to which makes things more understandable for them. Between master and dog should there exist a clear relationship in which obedience and discipline should have a part to play. That is not to say that a dog owner should not treat his pet with respect and love; the two attitudes are complimentary rather than mutually exclusive.

In return a dog will repay the master’s love with unquestioning affection and an undying loyalty. Moreover, I feel that that loyalty to the master is a dog’s finest character attribute. They really are special creatures.

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